Life Is Precious

"Life is Precious" by Eleatta 2012 (c) acrylic 18x24



Dream Garden II




December 31, 2011

A New Season

"A New Season" by Eleatta Acrylic on repurposed materials 24"x36"$500

I almost like New Year's Eve more than Chrstmas. (I said ALMOST!). I love the great "in between" of it all- looking back while gazing forward. As the fresh new days of 2012 unfurl, the dried old days of 2011 peel away. 

This painting represents the process of the changing seasons of our lives. It was inspired by a particular text  in the ancient book of Ecclesiastes:

" There is a time and a season for everything."

For me, 2011 was especially challenging. But already I feel new sap pulsing as I thankfully consider the new year. As we enter this new year, my earnest wish for you is a heart full of hope, and a life laced with peace.

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December 22, 2011

Look Up!

"Look Up" by Eleatta (c) Acrylic on 18x24 canvas now $95(was$135)
 Walking my dog, Buddy, is always an adventure. Frantically sniffing about for any trace of squirrel, his darting pace keeps me on my toes and watching his every move so as not to trip! But when possible I steal a glance upward. Tree tops pointing heavenward are gentle reminders to direct my life in an upward direction. They seem to whisper, "Life is more than what's under foot."

  I made this simple little painting after coming back from one of these "Buddy"walks. It is my "thank you" note to a particularly modest clump of tress that regularly remind me "Slow down. Look up".

  This painting is available for purchase this week for $95 marked down from  $135. Contact me for shipping info at or 919-323-5763.

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December 19, 2011

Look Underneath and Beyond

" Though Winds May Blow" by Eleatta (c)mixed media on 11x14 tile $95

  I wonder what my kids will remember me for. I pray it's more than the stale "Clean your room." I pray it's the heartier things like "Love the unlovable." I hope they are quick to show empathy to their fellow human being. I hope that refrains of mercy haunt them all their days.

Several months ago I began making little paintings like this one. I wanted to capture the truth that there is always more to a person than meets the eye. Every individual has an unseen root system and an untold story. This is the biggest motivation to show compassion, I can imagine.

 "Though Winds May Blow"may be purchased by contacting Eleatta at

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December 17, 2011


Close up of the painted relief sculpture, "Remember"by Eleatta © 2009 
   I talk to myself. It's true. When I feel scattered, doing too many things at once, I catch myself saying aloud, "Focus, Eleatta, focus!" It works. It's my way of gently jarring myself to sort through the needful, necessary and compulsary assortment on my "to do" list.

  We all need gentle reminders to focus. Especially at this time of year! A decision to focus on family, faith and gratitude will prove helpful in navigating through the maze of holiday demands.

  Ready to hang canvas prints of "Remember"can be ordered here: We Remember

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December 12, 2011

Am I the Only One?

"Fields of Hope II"by Eleatta © 2011 acrylic 12"x12" $95
 Am I the only one?
I don't know about you, but sometimes I catch myself thinking strains of thought that I know are not healthy! Don't worry, I don't mean thoughts of jumping off a high bridge or anything, but just normal unhealthy stuff like,"That was a really stupid thing for me to say! or "See, she sold her painting, who am I to think anyone's ever going to buy this thing, anyway?"

1 Odd Thing and 2 Truths:
 The odd thing is, however, that no matter who I talk to, it seems everybody thinks these sort of thoughts at least some times! It's strange that we humans are so prone to sabotage ourselves. We should all just call a truce with our brains. Truth be told, there have been times that I've just blurted out loud "Just be quiet!"as a means of jarring my thoughts back into the proper grooves. Another truth to tell is our thought-life has incredible power in how our day plays out….even how our very lives play out!

Thoughts are seeds
 Negative thoughts blow into our mind as easily as dandelion seeds. They float noiselessly and creep into crevices without warning, adversely affecting our outlook. There's an unseen war on our minds which the wise person knows how to detect and do combat.

Rules of engagement:
 Here are some suggestions for dealing with "seed management":
1. Stop and do periodic checks on what kind of thoughts you are entertaining.
2. Purposely sweep out the negative and sprinkle the good, by taking mental stoke of things for which you are thankful.
3.  Encourage someone. (This is one of the best ways to give your own brain a truck load of life-giving thought-seeds!)
4. Smile more- even for no reason at all… just smile.

  These are 4 of my best ways of keeping my thought life growing good things! Now, it's your turn. How do you manage your "brain battles"?

The painting above, Field of Hope II, is available (through this link) for purchase.

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December 09, 2011

Practice Patience

"Patience"by Eleatta © 12 x 12 acrylic canvas $95

This quiet little painting illustrates a great truth attributed to the French sculptor, Auguste Rodin 
                          "Patience is also a form of action." ~Auguste Rodin

Patience is not usually associated with "power" attributes, but it is pivotal to  successful living. Contrary to popular opinion, patience is not something that some specially chosen people are just born with.Patience is a choice and we CAN make a decision to cultivate patience. 

What exactly is patience, anyway?

Well, that could be a lengthy answer, but, simply stated, it has two main components:

1. It is is a persistence in our capacity to keep on going even though you can’t yet see the end result.
2. It is a decision to make peace with the "now" moment in which we find ourselves. This one act results in a boat load of peace!

Why is patience so important?

Besides making those around you a heck of a lot happier to live or work with you, it keeps that deathly trait, anger, from squeezing life's juices right out of us!
Here are 6 little acts that can help the seedlings of patience grow stronger:
  1. Eat more slowly. 
  2. Stand in a long checkout lane and smile on the inside - even on the outside.
  3. Spend time in nature and really notice!
  4. Watch a child at play.
  5. Smile a lot more.
  6. Breathe deeply on purpose.

What is the hardest thing for you to be patient with? How do you think you might change that?

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December 06, 2011

The Endless Immensity

"The Birth of Creativity" by Eleatta © 18 x 24 acrylic

This painting is a response to my thoughts about the subject of creativity after coming across a compelling quote from Antoine De Saint Exupery. I am often asked about my creative process. Although I could fill volumes on the topic , I feel Exupery said it best. In commenting on the development of the creative process he said it is like "a longing for the endless immensity of the sea.”
Such a lovely phrase, isn't it?

Creative thought is born from a longing. This can be a longing to express  feelings, to give shape to thoughts, or to release concepts.

In this longing, there is a necessary germinating process which allows thoughts and ideas 
to swim freely. This phase, being completed, gives rise to art's truest expression.

What are your thoughts on creativity? How do you define the creative process?

The above painting, "The Birth of Creativity"(18 x 24) is available for purchase : $ 175 plus tax/shipping.

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December 01, 2011

Just Like Helium

"Hope Rises IV" by Eleatta © acrylic on 12x12 gallery edged canvas (sold)
Who doesn't love helium balloons? Something about a bundle of them just spreads cheer. Hope is like that too. A person whose hands hold armfuls of hope, brightens any room they may enter.

This painting is sold but prints are available here:

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