OK I know I'm showing my age, but I'm so glad the Marlboro man no longer resonates as a prototype today. Do you remember him and his Hollywood counterpart, John Wayne?.....How about "The Lone Ranger"? This is such an exciting age in which to live as we watch the wave of social media transforming the landscape of personal, business, government and religious interface. There's an undeniable undertow of partnership and relationship. It's everywhere. The Marlboro man has been replaced by rising tide of individuals who understand the importance of mutual beneficial partnerships in accomplishing goals.
Two reverberating voices in this arena are Keith Ferrazzi and Dan Pink. Keith's message encapsulates a favorite quote of mine which is Helder Camera's message of cooperative partnering, "When we dream alone, it is only a dream. When are dreaming with others it is the beginning of reality." You can view Keith talking about this topic here:
Building Better Relationships With Keith Ferrazzi « The Rise ...
You may see Wendy talk about her "portrait" here:
What do you think about this idea of collaborating and partnership?
November 16, 2009
So long Marlboro Man
Dan Pink's latest book was a simply brilliant description of how the future will look as we move out of the command and control modus operendi of industrialization into an age of innovation. His emphasis on the importance of creativity, communication, collaboration was really well put.
You can view Pink here:
The subject of my recent "Dream Portrait" is an individual who lives her life passionately committed to working in partnerships. It was such a delight to get to paint the "portrait" of such an amazing person -Wendy White, CEO of Continuum Consulting .
Wendy White specializes in leadership, community and organizational development. She has shared her passion, insight, creativity and wealth of experience with her clients for over 20 years. Combining business and human performance practices with her ability to inspire and motivate, Wendy is able to transform and strengthen business cultures, structures and relationships for a variety of client groups. She is not afraid to tackle challenging situations, and thrives in partnering with people through times of transition, moving clients through chaos to creation and vision.
Wendy is a member of the Experiential Based Training and Development Alliance and is an Appreciative Inquiry consultant. She is very involved in community outreach initiatives, including the All American Independent Film Festival and the Continuum Blues Jam.
I love the Chinese proverb, "one picture is worth ten thousand words" and it is to this end that I create these portraits of people's dreams.
I really like the idea of collaborating and partnership because I have lately noticed that anyone who has become great or done something great did not become that person or accomplish a major goal on their own.
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