March 24, 2010

Behind the Easel

In this early phase of germinating my thoughts for the next "Dream Portrait" painting, I capture and carry images in my head throughout the day. There, they incubate. They roll around and jostle and vie for attention. If anyone were to peek into the cabinet of my brain, it would probably look something like fireflies bouncing around in the dark! 

Countless little tiny spurts of imagery, they are flashing lightening bursts full of inspiration. At different times I call them to attention and parade them in front of the searching eye of my judgement. The ideas are all on trial. Sometimes two ideas merge into one new idea . Similarly, one idea can divide into two.  I examine them all till I find the perfect one that will give language to my thoughts.

From the first pondering of Sheriff Hill's dream, to see young people's lives detoured away from illiteracy, poverty and crime, I knew this had the potential of plucking heartily at my heartstrings. The impact of this dream lies hidden in between its words. In stating this dream, it is understood that the devastating effects of illiteracy, poverty and crime linger in the air like an unpleasant pungent odor lingering in one's nostrils.

I can imagine Sheriff Hill carries with him the sadness wrought by observing lives sabotaged by these foul foes of poverty, illiteracy and crime. When I allow my mind the freedom to explore the back alleys of these thoughts, I shiver with sadness, I must confess. There is so much pain and trauma resulting from these  three ugly  sisters.

I must hoist myself up from the dank air of these ravages and lift myself to breathe in the fresh air of dreaming and hope. The last time I felt like this was during the creation of  "The Orphan's Dream". (It can br viewed here in this link. ( Eleatta )

Challenged by the completeness of need in considering the worldwide plight of the orphan, I was similarly burdened by the knowlege of  the children's reality. and the desire to express hope in the midst of despair, I purposefully chose bright colors to convey the possibilities in adoption.

I too must now lift myself up to a place of seeing possibility and imagine a horizon line of hope for young people making hard life choices.

Sheriff Hill has requested earth colors, however, I may need to tilt the scale to "brighter earth tones" so as to radiate hope in the eye of the viewer. This is important in that although the individual painting will be enjoyed on a personal level by its owner, its message is also intended to inspire hope in those who share a desire for Durham's prosperous future as others purchase prints of this painting too. 


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