Life Is Precious

"Life is Precious" by Eleatta 2012 (c) acrylic 18x24

July 29, 2013

Angels Among Us

Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.--Anonymous I am no theologian but I know there are angels among us. They are not the floating, hovering sort, but rather the close -by and in - your - face kind. They appear in our lives just when we need their smile, their wisdom, their encouragement. The painting below,...

July 23, 2013

Babies, Royalty and Resevoirs

Baby Gabey with Mimi    The safe arrival of England's Royal Baby, has brought smiles and well wishes from around the world. Surrounding the birth of every baby, regardless of the financial crib in which it's head will lay, is a swirl of life and hope and comfort.  A baby is the glimpse of a promise for tomorrow.   Have you ever noticed the way...

May 01, 2013

Listening to Cold Shoulders

"Cold Shoulders" Acrylic on repurposed materials 24x36 NFS Well, so far, I've been spared from being taken away by the authorities for claiming to have  Conversations with Paper Towels! I think I'm safe as long as I keep it a one way kinda' relationship: they talk to me but I don't talk to them; I just paint them.  Since begining this series, "Towel Talks,...

April 11, 2013

Interpreting health

Last year, MaryAnn Black, one of the participants of Durham Dreams, invited me to be a graphic (visual recorder for the annual Durham Health Summit with approximately 600 in attendance. Translating dozens of ideas on ways to create health in Durham filled six flip charts! (Doodling for a whole day is my idea of a fun! ) The Summit concluded with my...

April 09, 2013

Conversations with Paper Towels

  Have you missed me? I've been 'away' on a playful adventure, of late. It's one that has led me to whole new horizons whithout even leaving home! I 've brought along photos to show you some of the landmarks!   The 'adventure' was this: exploring possibilites in paper towels. OK. I can hear you thinking, "Wow,"she's really lost her marbles this time!" But wait,...

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