December 29, 2009

Dreams in Durham

This particular post initiates a milestone. I am going to begin telling the story of a dream that's been incubating and is now being birthed. It's a story within a story. Grab your coffee.

Since moving to Durham from Boston and becoming a tenant in Goldenbelt Studios,I have been increasingly inspired and intrigued by the tales I heard of the reconstructive efforts for a town which had sadly suffered from urban flight. Having completed the first 10 of an ongoing series of paintings about human hopes, dreams and aspirations, I became enthralled with the "dreamers" who have been collaborating over the last 20 years to create a new Durham, I conceived an idea. That idea germinated into what is now "The Durham Dreams Project". This will be a year long collection of interviews and paintings portraying the "dreams" of  key individuals who have tirelessly labored for the love of their city - Durham,N.C. These interviews will be filmed and participants' "dreams" for Durham will be creativly interpreted into what I call "Dream Portraits". Thses paintings will be gathered and exhibited a year from now in January 2011.

As a fitting beginning to this exciting project, Bill Kalkoff, President of Downtown Durham Inc., joined me in my Goldenbelt studio two weeks ago for his interview. His "Dream Portrait" is underway. The next two weeks will find me meeting with Durham's beloved Sheriff Hill and Mary Ann Black of Duke University's Medical Center.

So, I invite you to follow "Durham Dreams". I will be featuring "in process" images of the paintings as they unfold, as well as special excepts from the interviews. There is also a special "Durham Dreams" page on that will feature participants bios and contributions.

I am both humbled and ecxited by this unique opportunity. I am amazed by the incredible people that have surrouned me to assist, advise and encourage me.  At the core of this circle has been Wendy White, CEO of Future Wave Consulting, with office headqurters in Brightleaf Square, has been instrumental in creating momentum for this endeavor. I am humbled by the deep commitment and dedication of those participating "dreamers" whose dreams I will be painting.

It is my sincere hope that the richness of this endeavor will inspire those who ponder noble dreams. I  pray it becomes a catalyst for even greater acheivements.


Congrats, Eleatta! If you add the label "Durham Dreams" to this, I can put a link to the category page in the main menu and on the DD page on the web site. Then any future related posts with the same label will also show up on that page.

You go Eleatta! If you subscribe to my blog we can start networking more! Love you!

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