July 05, 2010

A Time to Rest

Rest. It seems to be such an evasive commodity. Recently our family got to get away and practice the lost art of rest. Away from all technical tentacles that tug so hard at our attention, we rested. Our eyes rested as we viewed the beauty of nature. Our minds rested form the barrage of imagery our computers spurt. Our spirits rested as we gathered as a family and practiced thankfulness. 
It was a treasured time of not only relaxing, but also reading and thinking. Having brought several books accumulating on my bedside table, I soaked in a luxurious time of consuming and germinating ideas.  
Of course my sketchbook filled up too, with fresh ideas for the next "Dream Portrait" for Durham Dreams. This month's featured participant is Reverend Ernie Mills of the Durham Rescue Mission. More about this in the next post - along with some pics of the initial sketches.

The next dream: 
The dream of Ernie Mills that I am translating onto canvas is as follows:   "to rescue the discarded relics of this world and mine the diamonds in the rough, so that they might be fully functioning members of society.” 


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