September 28, 2011

What's Your Secret?

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"Be Still" by Eleatta (c) acrylic on 11 x 14 canvas

Adopt the pace of nature:  her secret is patience.  
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I've been thinking about the difference between trusting and fretting. The way I see things is that the practice of showing patience and forbearance holds untold possibilities and fruitfulness.  
In contrast, however, fearful striving leaves one feeling empty and unfulfilled with vanishing narrow options.

Life holds ample opportunities to be tested and vexed. I don't have magical answers but there are a few things I've seen to be true.

One is that I believe It's better to be patient with what is before us because we can not see the big future picture.

The other is the secret power of showing kindness to those in our sphere of influence. This simple practice has an amazing way of buffering us from much of life's tempestuous winds. 


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