August 07, 2010

The Joy of Beginning!

In beginning the next “Dream Portrait” for Durham Dreams, I have been reflecting on the subject of creativity. Pepper Fluke, the gifted potter credited with leading the crusade to refurbish the Carolina Theatre, is the featured participant for August. Her dream is that the arts would be accessible to people of all ages. Her firm belief in the “miracle” power of creating, is the inspiration to my translation of her dream. 
Each month as I ponder the “dream” I am going to be painting, and begin sketches, I’m reminded of the “joy of beginning”in any creative endeavor. When an idea squeezes out from it’s birth canal and is embraced as a fully conceived thought, there is such exuberance.The challenge lies in sustaining that joy and not allowing the details of the journey to quench the bliss. 
Remind Me!
As I pondered this truth I realized there were tons of applications of this truth in my life. As an art educator, this time of year if filled with bouncing new glittery ideas pregnant with possibility. By November, however, I must remind myself of the “joy of beginning.” As a mom of five, I have seen this maxim personified. The birth of each bundle of joy grows into countless opportunities to remember the “joy of beginning.” In creating any piece of art, I remind myself that what I am doing is called ‘art WORK’ for a reason. By mentally returning to the point of conception and it’s subsequent joyful euphoria, I am propeled forward.

Pepper’s “magic”!
Pepper’s “Dream Portrait” is going to depict a “magical” vessel spewing forth pure energy depicting Pepper’s belief in the transformative power of creativity. It will be unveiled Aug. 20th 6-9 during the monthly "open studio" at Golden Belt--Downtown Durham.All are welcome! I’m in studio #114.
There will also be a reception from 5:30 -6:30 to honor Pepper for her labor of love for Durham. If you'd like to come meet this amazing woman, please come join us!


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